January 24, 2014

Brooklyn Borough President Adams Details “One Brooklyn” Vision at Inauguration

Jeff MannGreenpoint Gazette:Brooklyn Borough President Adams Details “One Brooklyn” Vision at Inauguration

Jan 24, 2014

Borough President Eric Adams detailed a comprehensive, progressive vision for Brooklyn at his inauguration event Sunday, unveiling his agenda to grow the borough’s economy and improve quality of life for all Brooklynites, as well as calling on citizens to aid in the cause by joining Team Brooklyn.

US Senator Chuck Schumer, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and other dignitaries introduced Adams and his plan for the borough at the Brooklyn Museum, with hundreds of local leaders and guests representing all of Brooklyn’s communities in attendance. Acclaimed actor Jeffrey Wright emceed the event.

Adams made clear his priorities for Brooklyn, saying the borough must continue to grow its economy while dealing with stark inequalities in wealth, services and opportunity.

“For the last year, I’ve been saying this is a pivotal moment for Brooklyn,” Adams said. “Brooklyn is now, maybe more than ever, a place of opportunity. Now is the time to turn our popularity into prosperity—-and not just for some, but for all in Brooklyn. We cannot fail to continue to grow and lead the world, whether it comes to innovative new businesses, culture, advocacy, or smarter government.”

Adams specifically cited the need to improve infrastructure in Brooklyn, and advocated for a smart, aggressive approach to expanding existing businesses while attracting new ones.

“If Brooklyn supports the business community, we will expect that it support us,” Adams said. “Employers willing to invest in highly underemployed areas and underserved communities should have our support to get access to the resources necessary to do so. Borough Hall can be at the intersection of these potential partners — businesses, government and communities – to make deals where everyone wins.”

Adams also announced Team Brooklyn, a Borough Hall initiative to find and deploy volunteers and advocates on behalf of the borough.

“I am here to recruit you. If you are a business, an activist or just a citizen with time and energy to volunteer, I want you on board. We will find a position for you to play on Team Brooklyn. We will collaborate and share our resources to become the most powerful advocate possible for our neighborhoods. That is what I want my legacy to be: making the lives of everyday Brooklynites better.”

Adams ended by calling for a “permanent Brooklyn moment” under the banner of One Brooklyn – a diverse borough united in pursuit of a better quality of life for all.

“We will do it together and for each other,” said the new BP. “We are One Brooklyn, ready to take on what’s next. Brooklyn’s compassion, confidence and spirit will push me every day to go above and beyond for all the people of this great borough.”

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