Saturday, December 26, 2015

Have We All Gone Crazy? | commentary

Gun controlHave We All Gone Crazy? | commentary

"The purest expression of adolescent torment over American gun laws has been that which is ongoing over at the New York Times. Before the bodies in San Bernardino had cooled, the Times editorial board engaged in a familiar grim ritual. As has become its habit, the Times opinion writers lamented the frequency with which they feel compelled to castigate the American people for jealously guarding their freedoms in the Bill of Rights. Before the facts were known, the Times joined the president in declaring the California attack a likely preventable massacre, but only if Republicans would embrace “common sense” gun ownership reforms."

2015 Was an Amazing Year for Science and Technology

2015 Was An Amazing Year For Science And Technology
From robots to medicine to space travel, 2015 was a huge year for science and technology (via NowThis Future)
Posted by NowThis on Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Comments on latest terrorism in California

In Testimony to Pay Commission, City Council Asks for Salary Increase

mmv bdb seatedIn Testimony to Pay Commission, City Council Asks for Salary Increase

"In it, Mark-Viverito writes "on behalf of the Council," and does not suggest a specific salary for City Council members - they currently make $112,500 each per year, plus bonuses for filling leadership positions and chairing committees - but does include a more general pitch for a raise. "

I went undercover as a topless performer in Times Square

I went undercover as a topless performer in Times Square | New York Post

"The painted ladies of Times Square have become Public Enemy No. 1 this summer. Gov. Andrew Cuomo says they remind him of the bad old days; Mayor Bill de Blasio immediately created a task force to try to ban them.

“It’s wrong. It’s just wrong,” tutted de Blasio.

I knew I had to join them."