November 28, 2013

Boody Girl Scout Troop Delivers Food To Coney Island's Needy » Bensonhurst's News Blog

girlscoutsBensonhurst Bean » Blog Archive Boody Girl Scout Troop Delivers Food To Coney Island's Needy » Bensonhurst's News Blog

The little ladies at David A. Boody Junior High School (I.S. 228 at 228 Avenue S) Girl Scout Troop 2717 sought to bring full stomachs and broad smiles to the faces of families in need this Thanksgiving. So, with the help of the PTA, they organized a food drive, collecting hundreds of cans and boxes of food to distribute.

The girls made their own posters and set up collection points in the school, encouraging fellow pupils to keep the less fortunate in mind this holiday.

The PTA then packed the food and the troop into cars and delivered them to Salt and Sea Mission in Coney Island (1530 Mermaid Avenue), a homeless shelter that’s been in dire straits since Superstorm Sandy.

Way to go Girl Scouts! You’ve earned those delicious, delicious cookies this Thanksgiving.

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