Broken pavement is a serious problem. |
The rehab can't come soon enough but it will take time. |
Good news! Council Member David Greenfield has informed us that the rehabilitation of the Ocean Parkway malls will resume by the end of the year. The areas that are scheduled for repair and improvement include the east and west mall from south of Avenue O. We don't know the timeline or the locations that will be addressed first. As you know the mall sections between Avenue V and Avenue X are extremely hazardous for pedestrians and bicyclists and require immediate attention.
However, the east pedestrian mall in Councilman Michael Nelson's 48th district south of Avenue Y will not be done this fiscal year. Funding has to be allocated in the budget for FY 2014 which means work could not begin until late next year. His district includes Gravesend and Brighton and conditions of the pathway and the benches are deteriorating. We don't know why these funds have never been included into capital improvement dollars like the rest of the Ocean Parkway malls. Please contact Mr. Nelson's office at
212-788-7360 at and remind him to include funding for mall renovation in the next city budget.
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