Thursday, July 18, 2024

Volunteer Lawyers Project helps seniors know their rights

Attorney Robin Goeman works with the Brooklyn Volunteer Lawyers Project and assists seniors as part of the NGF Senior LEAP program. Here, she is seen talking with seniors from the Vandalia Senior Center in East New York. Eagle photo by Rob AbruzzeseVolunteer Lawyers Project helps seniors know their rights | Brooklyn Daily Eagle
By Rob Abruzzese
Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Preparing oneself for aging isn't an easy or obvious process, and for certain seniors, it's not an affordable one, either. However, the Brooklyn Volunteer Lawyers Project (VLP) has a program called the National Grid Foundation Senior Legal Education and Assistance Program (NGF Senior LEAP) that is designed to help inform and assist seniors to make the preparation as easy as possible.
The program sends volunteer lawyers to senior centers across the borough where they teach the elderly about medical directives and what they can do to protect themselves and their families.

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